
1. 配置文件 wp-config.php 中,例如将 $table_prefix = 'wp_'; 修改为 $table_prefix = 'hxxplus_';

2. 打开 phpMyAdmin 管理界面,在对应的数据库点击 SQL 执行以下语句;


① 以下修改表前缀:

RENAME table `wp_commentmeta` TO `hxxplus_commentmeta`;
RENAME table `wp_comments` TO `hxxplus_comments`;
RENAME table `wp_links` TO `hxxplus_links`;
RENAME table `wp_options` TO `hxxplus_options`;
RENAME table `wp_postmeta` TO `hxxplus_postmeta`;
RENAME table `wp_posts` TO `hxxplus_posts`;
RENAME table `wp_termmeta` TO `hxxplus_termmeta`;
RENAME table `wp_terms` TO `hxxplus_terms`;
RENAME table `wp_term_relationships` TO `hxxplus_term_relationships`;
RENAME table `wp_term_taxonomy` TO `hxxplus_term_taxonomy`;
RENAME table `wp_usermeta` TO `hxxplus_usermeta`;
RENAME table `wp_users` TO `hxxplus_users`;

② 以下修改 options 表数据

update hxxplus_options set option_name = replace(option_name,'wp_','hxxplus_');

③ 以下修改 usermeta 表数据

update hxxplus_usermeta set meta_key = replace(meta_key,'wp_','hxxplus_');


“wp_” 是默认的表前缀(在这之前如有修改请留意此项的变动),“hxxplus” 是即将要修改的表前缀。

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